Confused on what all this gaming jargon is? Does it appear as a second language to you, which you are not fluent in? New to gaming, and trying to understand what it is other player’s are saying? Below, find all the terms, abbreviations, and acronyms with their meaning’s, to help you as a guide to interacting with other gamers. Now, you can fit right in, without looking like a newbie during conversations.
(A)way From Keyboard. Usually used as a general message to others, that you will be stepping away from the computer for several moments.
The pixilated in game representation of your character. Your persona and physical form embodied within the game.
Used in Chat, to ask if you have a; or refer to a (B)oy (F)riend.
(B)e (B)ack (L)ater. Used in a general message in game or out, that you are leaving the specific area, and will return at a later time.
(B)e (R)ight (B)ack. Used in a general message in game our out, which you are leaving the specific area, and will return shortly.
(B)e (R)ight (T)here. Used in a general message in game that you shall be arriving momentarily to a specific area. See also ‘OMW.’
(B)y (T)he (W)ay. Used in a general message in game or out, that you wanted to mention an item of note, which may or may not be on topic.
Used in game to refer to items that cannot be dropped or removed from a player’s inventory upon or at death. See also ‘No Drop.’
Used in game to refer to the act of prepping, or preparing for any combat encounter, usually by casting protective spells. Also referred to as Buffed (Fully prepared) or Buffing (In the Act of Preparing).
Used on message boards. The act of moving a message thread to the top of a board, to gain attention to it. Often considered bad form, as messages added to the thread do not add to the content of the topic.
Used in game to refer to players who are remaining at a specific location to kill encounters (players or creatures) that will appear. Also referred to as ‘Camping.’
Used in game to refer to players who are remaining at a specific location to kill encounters (players or creatures) that will appear. Also referred to as ‘Camp.’
(Con)sider. In game action, to determine if an encounter (creature or player) is within feasible limits for combat in relation to yourself, or to determine that encounter’s emotions towards you (i.e. friendly, hostile, neutral).
(S)ee (Y)ou. Used in a general message in game or out, that you are saying goodbye or farewell to others you were with.
(S)ee (Y)ou. Same as above for CU. Used in a general message in game or out, that you are saying goodbye or farewell to others you were with.
(D)eath (M)atch. An honorable combat challenge between two players within game, to the death. The loser of the combat is to delete their character thus signifying permanent death. Also referred to as a Death Match, or (D)elete (M)atch.
Used in game to refer to the act of removing one’s Buff’s, or preparing to remove any buffs that may be in place. See also ‘Buff’ above.
Death Match:
An honorable combat challenge between two players within game, to the death. The loser of the combat is to delete their character thus signifying permanent death. Also referred to as a DM or Delete Match.
Delete Match:
An honorable combat challenge between two players within game, to the death. The loser of the combat is to delete their character thus signifying permanent death. Also referred to as a DM or Death Match.
(D)amage (o)ver (T)ime. In game action, representing an attack that does damage over time, continually until a cure in enacted, defense, or death occurs.
Term used for cheating within games which Duplicate Items through an exploit or bug.
In game action, to display emotions or emotional actions by a character.
Character reference to determine the level and (Exp)erience Points, which a character holds. As a character gains more Experience Points, they become more proficient at their skills or tasks rising in levels. Also referred to as Exp and XP’s.
Character reference to determine the level and (Exp)erience Points, which a character holds. As a character gains more Experience Points, they become more proficient at their skills or tasks rising in levels. Also referred to as EP’s and XP’s.
(F)requently (A)sked (Q)uestions. A document dedicated to information with relevant answers to most common items asked pertaining to a specific program or game.
Used in game to refer to the act of a player or player’s camping area’s that generate specific items that they will later sell or trade to others in game.
Used in a general message in game or out, and/or on message boards to degrade, humiliate or embarrass another player through verbal (written) expression. Also, flamed.
A game type that refers to (F)irst (P)erson (S)hooter, where the player will see everything from that characters viewpoint.
(F)or (W)hat (I)t’s (W)orth. Used in a general message in game or out, when offering one’s thoughts or condolences to another.
(F)or (Y)our (I)nformation. Used in a general message in game or out, to add relevant information to another person’s conversation that may of not been aware of certain points.
(1) Used in a general message in game or out, and/or on message boards to congratulate or speak highly of a (G)ood (F)ight.
(2) Used in Chat, to ask if you have a; or refer to a (G)irl (F)riend.
In game action, which refer’s to being killed in combat by an opponent during either unfair odds or while one was unprepared for combat. An often unhonorable act, and not associated with skill by the better fighter. Also referred to as ‘Ganked,’ ‘Ganking,’ or ‘Jumped.’
In game action, which refer’s to being killed in combat by an opponent during either unfair odds or while one was unprepared for combat. An often unhonorable act, and not associated with skill by the better fighter. Also referred to as ‘Gank,’ ‘Ganking,’ or ‘Jumped.’
In game action, which refer’s to being killed in combat by an opponent during either unfair odds or while one was unprepared for combat. An often unhonorable act, and not associated with skill by the better fighter. Also referred to as ‘Gank,’ ‘Ganked,’ or ‘Jumped.’
(1) (G)ood (G)ame. Used in a general message in game or out, to congratulate another player on a good game in which one enjoyed themselves.
(2) (G)reat (G)ame. Used in a general message in game or out, to congratulate another player on a good game in which one enjoyed themselves greatly.
(G)ood (L)uck. Used in a general message in game or out, to wish well to another about to embark on a course of action that may cause concern.
(1) (G)ame (M)aster. Official Representative as a Staffer from the game company, responsible for aiding player’s resolve playability issues within game. Game Master’s have access to tool set’s unavailable to other game company aides within game.
(2) (G)uild (M)aster. Leader or official representative of a gaming clan, club, group, or guild.
Used in a general message in game or out, to categorize a type of playing style by another player who attempt’s to ruin the enjoyment of other player’s through harassment purposefully. Also referred to as a ‘Grief Player.’
(1) (G)ood (T)o (G)o. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey that player’s are ready to perform the next task or begin an encounter.
(2) (G)ot (T)o (G)o. Used in a general message in game or out, to announce to other’s that a player needs to depart or stop.
Used in a general message in game or out, to convey an acknowledgement or question something not understood.
Used in a general message in game or out, to convey the expression of laughing at something found humorous.
(I)n (M)y (O)pinion. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey one’s thoughts in a conversation. Also used as IMHO.
(I)n (M)y (H)umble (O)pinion. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey one’s thoughts respectfully in a conversation. Also used as IMO.
(I)n (R)eal (L)ife. Used in a general message in game or out, and on message boards to convey representation about the player personally outside of game. See also ‘RL.’
(J)ust (K)idding. Used in a general message in game or out, to refer to an item of conversation in jest or meant to be taken in good humor.
In game action, which refer’s to being killed in combat by an opponent during either unfair odds or while one was unprepared for combat. An often unhonorable act, and not associated with skill by the better fighter. Also referred to as ‘Gank,’ ‘Ganked,’ or ‘Ganking.’
O(k)ay. Used in a general message in game or out, to agree to another. Open to interpretation as being sarcastic at times and usage.
In game action, which refer’s to a player in combat who moves in and out of range while doing damage to an opponent.
(K)ill (O)n (S)ight. One who is marked for death by another group.
Kill Stealing:
In game action, that refer’s to a player in combat, who lose’s their kill, due to another player taking the final attack.
In game action, which refer’s to a player having poor playability due to networking issues.
(L)aughing (M)y (A)rse (O)ff. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey the expression of laughing at something found extremely humorous.
(L)aughing (O)ut (L)oud. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey the expression of laughing aloud at something found humorous.
Used in a general message in game or out, to categorize a type of playing style by another player who thinks of himself or herself as ‘Elite’ or ‘Above Others.’
Used in game to refer to the act of a player gaining treasure from an encounter, be it another player or non-player character. See also ‘Looted.’
Used in game to refer to the act of a player who was the victim of an encounter, be it another player or non-player character, to which that player’s items were taken. See also ‘Loot.’
(M)assively (M)ulti-Player (O)nline (R)ole (P)laying (G)ame. A game type that allows thousands of players to interact at the same time upon a server or servers in a large gaming world.
Used in game to refer to a large number of hostile appearing creatures.
A secondary character owned by a player which is not combat capable or ready, which is used for storage, and/or running mundane tasks and errands.
Used in a general message in game or out, and/or on message boards to refer to a player in a derogatory or insulting manner because the player is new and ignorant of the games rules, or unknowing in the ways of the gaming community. See also ‘Newbie.’
Used in a general message in game or out, and/or on message boards to refer to a player in a derogatory or insulting manner because the player is new and ignorant of the games rules, or unknowing in the ways of the gaming community. See also ‘Newb.’
No Drop:
Used in game to refer to items that cannot be dropped or removed from a player’s inventory upon or at death. See also ‘Blessed.’
(N)o (P)roblem. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey to another that there would be no difficulty at an action.
(N)on (P)layer (C)haracter. Used in a general message in game or out, to refer to a character or creature that is not controlled by a player.
(N)o (T)ext. Used in a general message on boards to let readers know or make them aware that there is no content in the body of a message.
(O)h (M)y (G)od. Used in a general message in game or out, to refer to surprise or astonishment.
(O)n (M)y (W)ay. Used in a general message in game that a person is in transit and shall be arriving momentarily to a specific area. See also ‘BRT.’
(O)ut (O)f (C)haracter. Used in a general message in game or out, to announce to other’s that the player is speaking directly to others, and is not role-playing in the conversation.
(P)layer (V)ersus (P)layer. Used in a general message in game or out, to refer to players who are engaged within combat against other players.
(P)layer (K)iller. Used in a general message in game or out, to categorize a type of playing style by another player who attempts to kill other player’s for the enjoyment of just killing them, with and often times unfair advantages.
(R)eal (L)ife. Used in a general message in game or out, and on message boards to convey representation about the player personally outside of game. See also ‘IRL.’
(R)olling (O)n (F)loor (L)aughing. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey the expression of laughing aloud at something found humorous.
(R)olling (O)n (F)loor (L)aughing (M)y (A)rse (O)ff. Used in a general message in game or out, to convey the expression of laughing at something found extremely humorous.
Used in a general message in game or out, that you are saying “It Rock’s” in slang.
(R)ole-(P)lay. Used in a general message in game or out, to refer to players who are engaged within an active and continuing story line, and are playing unscripted parts as in a play with their characters.
(R)ead (T)he (F)###ing (M)anual. Nothing can be more aggravating then a new player entering the game, who does not read the manual for the game. The simple commands are in the book. There is no reason why you should ask “How do I move?” or other basic questions.
A game type that refers to (R)eal (T)ime (S)trategy, where the player actions occur at the same times as others, and where strategy is the prevailing factor for a victory.
Action done by a person who repeats’s the same message continually in an attempt to be heard. Often flooding message boards or chat rooms. The action is considered very bad form and can cause banning.
A location in game to refer to a place where an encounter will appear. Also ‘Spawn Point.’
Spawn Point:
A location in game to refer to a place where an encounter will appear. Also ‘Spawn.’
Used in a general message in game or out, that you are saying “It Suck’s” in slang.
Reference to a type of character that can sustain a large amount of damage. Also ‘Tanking’ and ‘Tank Mage.’
Reference to a type of character which is played to sustain a large amount of damage for a group while others try to overcome the encounter during combat. Also ‘Tank’ and ‘Tank Mage.’
Tank Mage:
Reference to a type of character which is played to sustain a large amount of damage and can cast spells or use weapons doing large amounts of damage during combat. Also ‘Tank’ and ‘Tanking.’
Used in game to refer to a large encounter that has targeted and is giving chase to a player that is attempting to flee an area, or the encounter. Also ‘Traning.’
Used in game to refer to a player who is attempting to have an encounter target a new character or creature.
Used in game to refer to older and more expereinced characters whose players will aide a new player by quickly getting them up to equal levels and items. Maxxing.
Used in a general message in game or out, to categorize something exceptionally powerful or above others of the same type.
(W)elcome (B)ack. Used in a general message in game or out, to greet someone who has returned after an absence or short duration of time.
(W)hat (T)he (F)###. Used in a general message in game or out, and or on message boards to express disbelief.
(W)ay (T)o (G)o. Used in a general message in game or out, and or on message boards to congratulate another for a task or accomplishment well done.
Character reference to determine the level and (Exp)erience Points, that a character holds. As a character gains more Experience Points, they become more profiecient at their skills or tasks rising in levels. Also refered to as EP’s and Exp’s.
Used in game to refer to server boundaries between areas of the game world.
Did we miss anything? If so, please contact us or offer suggestions to this on the message boards and we will be sure to update it!