Comment by Walocial
on 2024-04-01T13:01:27-05:00
No need to kill the duck at all, just get the quest shared from someone else. I did the quest on all my alts by having a 2nd account share the quest to my main account’s alts.
Comment by MorgrainX
on 2024-04-01T13:01:40-05:00
Great, another super-low drop chance mount in a seasonal event with no bad luck protection.
Blizzard really doesn’t learn.
Comment by Viktoria
on 2024-04-01T13:02:03-05:00
rngesus take the wheel
Comment by Emerno
on 2024-04-01T13:02:28-05:00
No need to kill the duck at all, just get the quest shared from someone else. I did the quest on all my alts by having a 2nd account share the quest to my main account’s alts.
This was just hotfixed, the fun was detected.
Comment by Esploratore
on 2024-04-01T13:03:16-05:00
Blizzard really doesn’t learn.
1% is not super low, it’s low drop, super low drops are 0,03% stuff like love rocket or slightly higher like world bosses used to be, or timereaver, which is even lower than rocket.
Having said that, 1% is probably a bit on the low end, at least if nowadays spending 2 years is unacceptable for a world event, in the past it was more common place.
Comment by AlakeiThancan
on 2024-04-01T13:03:19-05:00
No need to kill the duck at all, just get the quest shared from someone else. I did the quest on all my alts by having a 2nd account share the quest to my main account’s alts.
Just been hotfixed a few minutes ago. I was using my second account to share the quest to my alt army and the button got greyed out all of a sudden.
Comment by Esploratore
on 2024-04-01T13:03:58-05:00
No need to kill the duck at all, just get the quest shared from someone else. I did the quest on all my alts by having a 2nd account share the quest to my main account’s alts.
This was just hotfixed, the fun was detected.
I’m surprised it took that long, they always fix bugs the playerbase likes and they don’t fix the ones damaging players ofc.
Comment by katkaly
on 2024-04-01T13:05:30-05:00
“How to obtain”… with the 1% chance the title feels like an april fools itself.
More like “How to play the RNG lottery”
No need to kill the duck at all, just get the quest shared from someone else. I did the quest on all my alts by having a 2nd account share the quest to my main account’s alts.
Just been hotfixed a few minutes ago. I was using my second account to share the quest to my alt army and the button got greyed out all of a sudden.
Well that’s the last straw for me. The quest sharing was the only thing that made this worth a shot since it was quick with the sharing groups.
Who’s gonna bother waiting for a 10 min respawn on 50 characters a day?
Comment by Drax13
on 2024-04-01T13:06:01-05:00
Be prepared to wait it out just for the egg to not summon the boss, so you can get to wait all over for another chance. I don’t even know what Blizz is doing anymore.
Comment by MintyPuff
on 2024-04-01T13:06:14-05:00
I really wish we were able to sit on the flying carpet mounts
Comment by Rivera25
on 2024-04-01T13:11:38-05:00
REMOVE THE EGG PART BLIZZARD! have it SPAWN LIKE THE XMAS YETI, maybe faster, i have 60 max level toons, i dont have 10 hours a day to do this for the MOUNT!
Comment by Brunopolar
on 2024-04-01T13:12:56-05:00
The event to spawn the boss is neat, but it fails awfully because of the player base – I’m sitting here next to 20 players who are just AFK waiting for someone else to drag the egg after I spent 5 minutes flying around trying to find the golden egg (presumably, it hasn’t spawned).
Oh, and the egg bugs out and sometimes doesn’t spawn the duck. That’s cool.
Comment by pawpurr
on 2024-04-01T13:18:01-05:00
Blizzard really doesn’t learn.
No, they do. See, they tried it your way, and all people did was complain anyways.. And by forcing bad luck protection you make it ultra common and therefore, a completely worthless and unrewarding experience. When “rare items” are made common this way, it makes people quit.
Please, please, please. You are the one that needs to learn, or leave. WoW does not need more babies crying for free things, who rob the rest of the playerbase of the joy of earning something. If you don’t understand what that means, please just stop playing MMORPGs entirely, MOBAs are probably more your speed.
Comment by glassleo
on 2024-04-01T13:19:39-05:00
No need to kill the duck at all, just get the quest shared from someone else. I did the quest on all my alts by having a 2nd account share the quest to my main account’s alts.
and now it’s hotfixed, thanks!
Comment by darkillity
on 2024-04-01T13:22:17-05:00
Blizzard really doesn’t learn.
No, they do. See, they tried it your way, and all people did was complain anyways.. And by forcing bad luck protection you make it ultra common and therefore, a completely worthless and unrewarding experience. When “rare items” are made common this way, it makes people quit.
Please, please, please. You are the one that needs to learn, or leave. WoW does not need more babies crying for free things, who rob the rest of the playerbase of the joy of earning something. If you don’t understand what that means, please just stop playing MMORPGs entirely, MOBAs are probably more your speed.
I hope you won’t get it for next five years, and see who is going to cry! Then let’s see who will quit!
Comment by Chaxton
on 2024-04-01T13:25:00-05:00
Should’ve been a 250 chocolate vendor item like everything else.
Comment by darkillity
on 2024-04-01T13:26:31-05:00
Another failure by Blizzard. Why am I not even surprised?
Comment by lambd1
on 2024-04-01T13:28:31-05:00
At a 1% drop chance, a player would need about 69 attempts just to have a 50% chance across all attempts to get the mount. For a holiday event that only lasts one week, that means running 10 alts through the fight each day for the entire week, and still end up with only a 50% chance cumulatively to get the mount. So, another holiday where the players must be running an “alt army” through the boss fight. But this is supposed to be a fun game, right? Isn’t it fun to run ten alts through the same fight each day for the entire holiday, just to get a flip-of-the-coin chance at the mount? Fun!
Comment by Narhwals
on 2024-04-01T13:29:14-05:00
didn’t you already post this?
Comment by Rellyne
on 2024-04-01T13:32:19-05:00
Why change one of the few events that is not about super low drop rates, but just collecting stuff for the vendor?
Do we really need to badly homogenize (because of no bad luck protection, wtf) all events?
What is this about not having a greater chance on the 1st attempt of the day? Do we have more than one team working at every holiday and they don’t communicate with each other?