Hey Monika, Congratulations on becoming the first Jedi within Star Wars Galaxies, we know this must have been a ton of hard work, and now everyone is trying to follow in your footsteps. How long have you been with The Combine?
I’ve been with Combine for a year and a half now I think, joining up while we were on Andred in Dark Age of Camelot
What games have you been active in?
Genesis (a Swedish LP-Mud) Ultima Online: Europa EverQuest: Fennin Ro DAoC: Midgard Merlin, Andred Shadowbane: Beta, Treachery SWG: Beta, Intrepid
Do you consider your play style that of a PK’er or do you enjoy PvP?
I enjoy PvP, and I don’t mind being called a PK really. But I am never a ‘random’ PK – when I kill, its for a in-game reason. In UO I fought mostly in Factions or Chaos/Order. In DAoC obviously the Realm War’s and later enemy guilds on Andred. In Shadowbane again we had clearly defined enemy, friendly and neutral guilds. In SWG its very clear as well, there’s Rebels theres Imps, two sides fighting each other.
How long have you been playing SWG?
I played the last weeks of beta, and since the start of retail.
You are pretty much a power-gamer, how many hours do you devote to enjoying SWG?
Far to many – 4-6 hours a day during the week, 8-12 hours on weekends sometimes.
Have you been actively trying to become a Jedi, and open the Force sensitive slot, or was this something you accidentally triggered?
I was never quite as obsessed with it as others, following this or that weird theory about random quests, weird badges or strange nobles. Until recently I mostly ignored it all, then after the holocrons came out I finished them quickly because it was a clear goal to reach. After my fourth holocron was silent, I was slightly disappointed as everybody who reached that point. I was ready to go back to my normal routine, and I was quite surprised when my Force Sensitive Character Slot suddenly opened.
Have your guild mates supported you in your quest to become a Jedi?
I’m a soloer by heart, SWG is ideal for this – so I did the leveling through the holocrons mostly alone. But we discovered the first holocrons together, we discussed our theories a lot, shared resources. It should be very much possible for somebody without guild support to achieve it though.
Now that you are one of the first Jedi’s and Imperials are now gunning for you, how do you feel about the challenge of survival?
I’ve been soloing as overt Rebel a lot, I think I am prepared for it. I’ll just have to adjust a bit, fight more conservative, run earlier.
How do you think being a Jedi will affect your play style?
It wont change all that much I think – I’ve been playing solo and away from people most of the time anyway. I’ve been traveling as overt a lot, I know how to watch my radar and avoid danger. I’m worried about the experience point grind though, it looks like a very long road to master.
Any words of advice for those who want to be a Jedi?
Read the Jedi forums – there is more information there then I have ! People are comparing the paths of different Jedis, trying to figure out what we have in common. But do not expect it to be easy !
A thanks to Monika T’Sarn from The Combine for talking with us, and a congratulations on becoming a Jedi within Star Wars Galaxies, a most envied role within game by the players!
Discuss: The Force is Strong in this one.
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