Located in one of Undermine’s many sewer systems is a fight club known as The Low Blow, filled with rowdy spectators, bloody floor stains, and a suspiciously empty center stage. That’s because the main attraction isn’t NPCs – it’s you!
Upon talking to the Amenities vendor, you can purchase a slew of guides that allow you to take up combat stances without targets, play out injuries, and display a cosmetic health pool above your head.
Below are showcases of the animations that each of these items give. These stances last for 15 minutes with no cooldown on the items, but are only usable within The Low Blow.
The Low Blow can be found in the northwestern part of Undermine in the Hovel Hill subzone. You can access it simply by opening the sewer grate above its entrance and dropping right in!
These items will be a great boon for roleplayers looking to use player animations outside of the confines of combat, especially if their location restriction was removed. Hopefully they can be used outside of The Low Blow in the future!