Hotfixes January 18, 2024Classes
- Resolved an issue causing the Ancestral Defense talent to increase area-of-effect damage taken instead of reducing it.
Dawn of the Infinite: Galakrond’s Fall
- Fixed a Chronikar issue with Eon Shatter’s ground targeting visual sometimes failing to appear.
Waycrest Manor
- Fixed a Heartsbane Triad issue where the aura of one of the sisters could linger on players after they lose the iris.
Player versus Player
- Fixed an issue where Frigid Petals was not being cancelled when entering a battleground.
- Fixed an issue where attaining Bloody Tokens in Zaralek Caverns and Emerald Dream were not contributing to Bloodstained Bounty, Blood Bank, or Prosperously Bloody achievements.
- Players who found themselves unable to pick up “A Little Hope is Never without Worth” should return to the grove in the Emerald Dream to continue (provided the plant growth phase is complete).
- Fixed a bug preventing several steps of the Blue Dragonflight questline “The Veiled Ossuary” from appearing.
- Removed the Battle for Azeroth Pathfinder requirement for dragonriding in Kul Tiras and Zandalar.
Hotfixes from Guardians of the Dream can be found here.