Scalecommander Evoker & Bombardments
The War Within is in full swing and many Devastation Evokers are enjoying Scalecommander! I’m here today to discuss Bombardments bugs and how some of the issues from Augmentation with damage attribution are now also affecting Devastation.
Ever notice that your damage on details is lower than expected? Let’s talk about why.
What are Bombardments?
Bombardments are a damage proc specific to Scalecommander that come from the Bombardments debuff applied by your Mass Disintegrate / Mass Eruption. While this debuff is present, you and allies have a chance to trigger a Dracthyr that will fly by and damage enemies. Bombardments damage is split. The damage does not scale up with additional targets in AoE, but Wingleader causes the cooldown reduction for Deep Breath to scale up to 3 targets. The duration can be extended by reapplying the debuff, or with Extended Battle.
Bombardments are a considerable portion of your damage and can be triggered by allies. Usually, there is an internal cooldown on the damage proc so that the damage doesn’t scale out of control with larger group size. More on this later.
Issues with Bombardments Damage Attribution
Some of Devastation’s damage now comes from buffing others via Bombardments. It’s important to know that in-game damage meters do not correctly allocate damage that sources from Bombardments. Since Bombardments contributes to around 15-17% of your damage, this can lead to a pretty big difference between what you see on the damage meter vs. the damage you are actually doing.
Luckily, there are ways to see your real damage. Warcraft Logs will pull your Bombardments damage from your allies and allocate it to you, giving you a better picture of how your damage really looks. To log your gameplay, simply type /combatlog into your chatbox and press enter. This will create a file you can upload to the site. More information on how to log your runs can be found here.
Logs are not perfect, however, and some users have reported missing attribution or errors in logs that display Bombardments damage affecting you as damage taken. Hopefully these issues are resolved soon.
Bombardment Bugs
Normally, the damage proc from Bombardments is only able to occur once every 2 seconds per Scalecommander, per target with the debuff. In reality, it’s more like 1.9 seconds on average. Some classes seem to also have weird interactions with Bombardments. Beast Mastery Hunter pets seem to proc it more often than usual with higher damage.
While not relevant to Devastation, there is also a bugged interaction between Breath of Eons, Overlord, and Mass Eruption that causes you to apply Bombardmentss to any enemies you are on top of when canceling the Breath of Eons early. These are just a few examples, but the point is that Bombardments have a mind of their own.