This death allowed <OnlyFangs> Hunter, zeroji to pull into first place at level 52.
Many others met their demise this weekend as well, such as rencognito, who was on her way to the Deadmines when elite murlocs decided to break up her dungeon party.
Waytoowhat, another member of Hardcore Guild <OnlyFangs>, decided to attempt to take on Fizzle Darkstorm solo, a decision he would soon regret.
In another unfortunate questing mishap, Jaythebard appears to have accidentally wandered into the Elite Barrens quest Counterattack! while interacting with chat.
While this weekend was tough for many Hardcore Classic players, at least ahmpy was able to min/max irl when he proposed to his now fiancé between pulls. Congrats!
What has been your favorite moment of the WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Realms so far? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!