- The Intellect and Stamina values given by Daybreak, Sunset, and Weavercloth Spellthread in The War Within have been adjusted to match the Agility/Strength and Stamina values given by their Armor Kit counterparts for better parity. These changes apply to existing enchantments, and do not require re-applying a spellthread for updated values.
Developers’ notes: In most instances this is a significant increase, with 1-star/2-star quality of the Weavercloth Spellthread being reduced in potency. For example, a 3-star quality Sunset Spellthread goes from +747 Intellect / +230 Stamina to +930 Intellect / +895 Stamina. Meanwhile, a 2-star quality Weavercloth Spellthread goes from +536 Intellect to +525 Intellect.
Remaining Bronze Celebration Tokens from the 20th Anniversary Event has been converted to Timewarped Badges. The exchange is 20 Timewarped Badges for each Bronze Celebration Token matching the boxes that were on the event vendor.
Sureki Zealot’s Insignia’s mana restoration effect reduced by 50% and requires direct healing to trigger.
- Developers’ notes: As groups acquired more of these rare necklaces as Season 1 progressed, its effect had a greater impact on the mana management than intended. This was particularly true for Restoration Druids who could trigger it significantly more often than other healers.
Scrapfield 9001’s health threshold to trigger the absorb effect lowered to 60% (was 75%) and the absorb increased by 10%.
Singing Citrine’s heal effects reduced by 33% for damage dealer and tank specializations.