Everything Coming to WoW Classic in 2025
These new items are fascinating as they all seem to connect back to the Scarlet Enclave and its upcoming raid, although no evidence has been found linking them concretely. Of note is mentioning “High General Beatrix” with the Orders from the High General. Beatrix is an NPC added in the Phase 7 PTR alongside Leogan. These two are connected to the Paladin-only questline, The Story of Truthbearer. Check out our coverage below if you want to see the whole story and playthrough.
The Story of Truthbearer Story and Playthrough
The most notable thing to know, alongside the adjacent story of Stratholme and Grand Crusader Dathrohan’s reveal as the nathrezim Balnazzar, is our journey following Aeonas seems to have additional ripple effects across the Paladin Orders.
This excerpt from a conversation between the player and Katherine the Pure during the quest Orders from the Grand Crusader holds a nugget of information about the reaction to Stratholme and the ideas Aeonas held which caused him to leave the Silver Hand.
It sickens me to think of what the Scarlet Crusade may be doing to Aeonas now.
You mentioned something about whatever caused Aeonas to leave the Silver Hand. What happened, truly?
<Katherine sighs heavily.>
Very well. I mentioned that Aeonas had developed some unpopular opinions… Namely, he had the temerity to suggest that the light was neither good nor evil, but was a force of nature like any other. He even suggested that we should be ready should we ever need to fight against the light.
You can see why I said that should his current predicament lead to his end, it would be bad comedy indeed.
Knowing what we know now, it seems like maybe that wasn’t such an outlandish idea…
It most certainly is not. You must understand <name>, this was before Arthas and Stratholme, before the Scarlet Crusade had brandished the light so brazenly to torture and kill so many. It was a different time. The order was rigidly dogmatic in their views on the light. To challenge that rightness and righteousness was borderline heretical.
Now we know all too well that Aeonas was right. I hope he survives so that he may understand that he is vindicated and there are none who now doubt his forethought and wisdom.
I’ll find him and bring him back, if I can.
<Katherine wipes her eyes as she begins to tear up>
Light be with you, <name>. Light be with you.
This excerpt shows that while his ideas were unpopular, the events of Stratholme deeply impacted the orders, with Katherine mentioning, “he is vindicated and there are none who now doubt his forethought and wisdom.” This further bolsters the strained and temporary alliance between some of the Scarlet Crusaders and the Argent Dawn at Light’s Hope Chapel during the attack on Naxxramas.
This Pact can be further seen in-game with none other than Beatrix and Leogan, who are seen in Naxxramas interacting with different races inside the necropolis.
While Orders from the High General is an obvious connection to Beatrix, Blade of Inquisition is left a little more open-ended. The most straightforward explanation is that the “Property of the Inquisitor” is the Scarlet Inquisitor Leogan. Alongside the ability to make yourself friendly to the Scarlet Crusade forces using Tabard of the Scarlet Enclave and an unknown Desecrated Ring, all signs point to an expanded questline looking further into the rift (and now tenuous alliance) between the Argent Dawn and Scarlet Crusade, the aftermath of Naxxramas, and possibly a precursor story leading us into the Scarlet Enclave raid in the future.
What do you think about these items? Is the Scarlet Enclave Raid coming as soon as phase 7.5? Are you excited for more Season of Discovery exclusive content? Let us know in the comments below!